Monday, March 3, 2014

Dawn of 2014

I know this may sound demented, but recently there's a hell lot of stuff begin to swirl inside my head, lots of ideas pop up out of no where and the eagerness to do all those things happen at the same time and yes this is making me crazy in some way.
Well, first of all, I would like to apologize for being absent for so long from this blogging world, it’s not that I’m neglecting my blog entirely, and it is not because I have no love for writing anymore. Time and interest, and also inspiration are the main factor that drives me to keep on writing so far, thus due for lacking all those three ingredients makes me weak in some ways.
Well, it is already February but since this is my first post for this year, I wish you (whoever you are, whether you are one of my readers or happen to be accidentally stumble into this blog of mine) a happy new year and yes including Chinese new year as well and happy valentine, anything else than that?
There is not so much a thing to report anyway, well let me see…..
As you all notice, my blog was no longer named as, I forgot to pay the annual bills for the domain fee and so my blog has been inactive since.. How long is it? I don’t know myself, perhaps for several months and some of my friends mention to me that they were unable to look into my blog, wondering whether it is some sort of under maintenance or being deleted. And yeah, I’ve been trying to revive it since last week, most of my knowledge regarding HTML and Java script were no longer available in my head, it maybe stored somewhere at the back of my cerebllum or selebrum , ah who cares. So I had it roll back into ,well, that’s that. My blog has been re-animated once again.

I got myself a new job as a Tour Operation Co- ordinator, the job nature is to receive and manage the clients tour or transfer request, liaise with various and countless types of tour agency, answering phones, making inquiry, and lot sort of stuff that I myself still in the process of absorbing and squeezing it into my small brain. I‘ve landed myself as this TO (Tour Operator) when I furiously click on every job available on Jobstreet, sending application along with my resume as a trumpcard. I though the idea of working as a Tour Agent is great, I imagine myself having to work and go for the holiday trip at the same time while meeting lots and lots of new friend (clients) from all over the world. Uhh that is what  thought but hey, the reality is way too cruel to be true. Well I won’t complaint on how boring and troublesome the job is (but I just did!), And my colleague had warned me that I may get busy after several months, doing tons of client's request to the point that I may need additional hand to help me get the job done. well here's several picture that may help you and me to enjoy this post for today;

I myself don't even know what am I doing at that moment

The current youth team member - Lambir division

still a Liverpool fan even though I don't know the players name apart from Gerald and er..

The latest/current me

being sissy during prayer meeting/ or singing rehearsal for youth performance?

Merry feast with lots of guess

Mom do loves puppy

the Full Fledge member of Parish Youth Fellowship team of St Barnabas

ain't she's the sweetest thing? hahah

help, we're homeless

this is one of the reason why I didn't have time to blog, currently working on our family farm

these two do enjoy bathing in the swamp

The lonesome swords master.. huiyo

fun with the geyser.. i mean the splash that i made

omg this is authentic

during Christmas parade for 2013

look at how silly when the three of us together

the atmosphere is so happening and crazy out here

a penny for your thought?

the veteran team

meet up with the ladies

we do enjoy singing even when we're at the farm

another lifecycle with another bath of new friend

The Cowboy team

The Entrepreneur 

So that's that, yeah that's all from me, perhaps I'll add some more but that need to wait after I got a spark of inspiration hahaha, see ya
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